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Grades Explained

We have graded our cycling holidays based on the scale of 1- 4 below, where 1 is essentially easy and 4 being the most strenuous. Grades can be subjective so please look at the trip description. We have tried to simplify the grades and make them easy to understand based on the demands of physical fitness required for each trip and the nature of terrain and cycling environment.


Grade 1

Gently paced cycling for recreational cyclists. Basic level of fitness required, previous experience recommended. Up to 40 miles per day.

Grade 2 Cycle Tour

Grade 2

Long distance recreational cycling, the trip will have some challenges in the form of longer days or some hilly terrain. Reasonable level of fitness required, previous experience of multi-day cycling or cycling for 5-6 hours a day will be handy. Average 40-60 miles a day.

Grade 3 Cycle Tour

Grade 3

Long distance cycling experience advisable. Days will be long with more hills than usual. Good fitness level required. Average 50-70 miles a day.

Grade 4 Cycle Tour

Grade 4

Hills, altitude or long days will add to the demands of these trips. Very good fitness level and multi-day cycle touring experience required. Average 70+ miles per day.

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